Project ID: PA1A116
The implementation of the proposed project would help Constanta Port to introduce an environmental management system (EMS) that would enhance its status as a sustainable green port in the global transport network. The project would rely on the application of cost-efficient innovative technological and operational concepts in order to reduce the port’s carbon footprint and improve its overall environmental performance. These aspects would have a positive influence not only on the protection of the environment, but also on the reduction of external costs associated to transport.
The proposal was submitted under the Multi-Annual Work Programme CEF Transport Call 2015 for Cohesion Countries, in line with the objectives of the priority on Deployment of innovation and new technology actions in all transport modes, according to the TEN-T Guidelines, Art.33 (a to d).
The project was not approved for funding.
Particularly relevant for the proposed project is the area dealing with the improvement of safety and sustainability of the transport of goods (c). Nevertheless, the project also addresses other sections of Art.33, since the environmental measures taken in Constanta Port are meant to offer solutions to reduce external costs, such as congestion, damage to health and pollution of any kind including noise and emissions (f) and also to improve resilience to climate change (h). The Action is a study with integrated pilot deployment and its focus is to help Constanta to be upgraded to a sustainable green port.
The implementation of the proposed project at this location would have the following results:
- Development of an Environmental Management System (EMS) for Constanta Port, which would provide the appropriate structure for integrating environmental, asset and security programs for easier management. The Plan-Do-Check-Act discipline built into an EMS can be set up to flag opportunities to upgrade infrastructure and equipment and to pursue other efficiencies on a routine basis. This would also enable a better use of the available resources of the Constanta port administration and facilitate a realistic planning of the investment needs in the port area as well as a reduction of the administrative and operational costs.
- Obtain the EMAS & PERS certification for the Port of Constanta thus marking the fact that this is a sustainable green port interested in cooperating with equally responsible business partners
- Increased and improved cooperation between public and private entities active within the port areavia dedicated meetings designed to establish the port’s environmental concerns
- Promotion of a good social climate in ports and improved health, safety and training of port workers due to the planned training classes and the active involvement of the port staff members in the elaboration of the EMS
- Increase the environmental profile of Constanta Port by defining an Environmental Policy, an Environmental Strategy and an Environmental Program and making the port attractive for environmentally concerned investors
- Implement specific measures included in the Environmental Program designed to monitor the current air, water and soil quality in the port and to provide solutions for improvement. The multi-annual Environmental Action Program will implement the identified measures along the prioritisation elaborated.
The Action is also compliant with targets of the EUSDR Priority area 1A, due to its impact on the Danube region:
- It is expected that under a business as usual scenario, the traffic in Constanta Port will increase by 3,8% in 2020 as compared to 2013 (from 55,13 Million tons to 71,37 Million tons). This increase could be further stimulated in order to go over the 5% threshold, if a coherent environmental management system is adopted. This increase in the freight volumes in Constanta port would also have a positive influence on the Danube, helping increase the cargo transport on the river by 20% by 2020 compared to 2010. This would also contribute to promote sustainable freight transport in the Danube region.
- The involvement of the employees of the port administration in the process of elaborating the Environmental Management System creates a specific type of expertise in-house. This would help solve the shortage of qualified personnel and harmonize education standards in inland navigation in the Danube region by 2020. The Action would also support the training and know-how transfer for the port employees and thus stress the need to invest in education and jobs in the navigation and port administration sectors.
The project is in line with the general and specific objectives set in the General Master Plan for Transport and the Constanta Port Master-Plan. It is included in the list of pre-identified sections and projects stipulated in Annex I, Part I.2 of the CEF Regulation.
- Develop and implement a permanent environmental management system (EMS) as part of the company’s Management Information System (MIS) and as integrated element of the Business Strategy
- Improve environmental performance of all relevant port activities by increasing energy efficiency, reduction of eco-footprint, awareness raising and training of employees
- Benefit from cost savings made by reduced consumption of natural resources and utilities
- Ensuring permanent improvement of environmental performance
- Receive certification and auditing schemes for environmental protection (EMAS & PERS Certification)
- Decrease negative environmental impact of port activities to the city and improve living and working conditions of people
- Implement dedicated pilot measures in the port to monitor and counterbalance the effects on the quality of air, soil, water, etc. for the first 2 years of a multi-annual Environmental Action Program
- Supply an example to other ports in the Danube-Black Sea region in regards to setting-up an environmental management system
The project would be divided into 5 activities:
Activity 1: Project management
Activity 2: Environmental Policy Development
Activity 3: General Environmental Management System
Activity 4: Implementation System
Activity 5: Audit & Revision
Activity 1 would include all the project management tasks needed for the successful implementation and completion of the project. Dissemination activities are also foreseen in line with the requirements of the funding program.
Activity 2 This activity represents the first step in establishing a systematic approach to dealing with the impact of Constanta port operations on the environment. The tasks herein included would be directed at elaborating an Environmental Policy Statement for Constanta. In order to achieve this, the port environmental concerns would be analysed, status-quo analyses would be performed and discussions would be carried out with port stakeholders to agree on what is relevant for this particular core network location.
Activity 3 represents the 2nd step in the Environmental Management Framework applicable to Constanta. The aim is to produce a Port Environmental Strategy that has the full agreement of the corporate management, its employees and its business partners. During this process an environmental database would be created and maintained at port level. Examples provided by other relevant European ports in regards to Port Environmental Management would be analysed during study visits in North-Western Europe. Based on the investigations of the good practices identified, an environmental review for Constanta would be made. The consolidation of all these findings would be reflected in the environmental strategy.
Activity 4 focuses on establishing the environmental goals and priorities for the Port of Constanta, as well as the measures undertaken to make sure that the set targets are being achieved. The actions, procedures and monitoring required to achieve the set goals are all included in this activity. An Environmental Program would be created including measures that correspond to the priorities and goals set on the one hand by the port administration (internal need) and on the other hand by the port community (external need). Consultations would be carried out between all port stakeholders to agree on the prioritization of the goals and their corresponding implementation measures. Subsequently, a set of priority measures would be implemented addressing issues like air, water and soil quality within the port area for the first two years of a multi-annual environmental action program. The training and know-how transfer regarding environmental protection are also foreseen within this activity.
Activity 5 would deal with two distinct parts: the environmental audit and the environmental review which, when combined, serve to define corrective actions and ultimately continual improvement. These components also evaluate the effectiveness of the procedures employed and determine whether or not they have been carried out properly. The Environmental Certification of Constanta Port according to the EMAS and PERS guidelines is also foreseen in this activity.
The port is located on the TEN-T Rhine-Danube core network corridor. The project is one of common interest with high relevance for the trans-European transport network.
Constanta Port is 85nM from the Danube’s mouth by the sea and is also linked to it by the Black-Sea-Danube Canal, thus interacting with the Danube ports and the Black-Sea ports as well. The application of the EMS to this location would serve as a blue-print and good-practice model for the river and maritime ports alike. This would increase the attractiveness of the area and stimulate the waterborne transport and the transfer of freight from the Black Sea Basin to the landlocked Central and Eastern European countries via the Danube.
- Shipping companies
- Port operators
- Port tenants
- Forwarding companies
- Port administrations in the Danube and Black Sea Region
The project was not realised.
Project duration would have been from 01.07.2016 – 30.06.2019.
Total budget: 5,000,000 EUR (indicative)
Consisting of EU funds (CEF) and national funds. Funding was not provided.
Project leader: National Company Maritime Ports Administration SA Constanta
Address: Incinta Port, Gara Maritima, 900900 Constanta / Romania
There would not have been additional partners involved.
The proposed project takes into account all infrastructural projects for port development as well.
The project would address key priorities of the EU transport policy such as:
- Europe 2020, strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth: to comply with reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% (or even 30%, if the conditions are right) lower than 1990, reduce energy consumption by 20% through increased energy efficiency, to meet 20% of energy needs from renewable sources
- The White Paper on Transport – 2030/2050 perspective (2010) & Single Market Act II: emphasize the need for well-connected port infrastructure, efficient and reliable port services and transparent port funding
- A roadmap to moving to a competitive carbon economy in 2050 (2011): the EU should prepare for reductions in its domestic emissions by 80% by 2050 compared to 1990
- Ports: an engine for growth COM (2013) 295 final : setting up the EU strategy needed to help ports implement good practices and sound managerial approaches while fully respecting diversity and particular circumstances
- The REFIT Revision of EU Directive 2000/59/EC on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues: improving the availability and use of facilities in ports for receiving waste from ships
- The Clean Power Transport Directive which requires liquefied natural gas refuelling points and shore side electricity (unless not economically viable) in all core ports by 2025
- The Romanian Master Plan for Transport for the short, medium and long term perspective: which analyses the transport priorities at national level and reviews the measures that need to be adopted in order to increase the traffic volume and shift considerable volumes of freight to less polluting transport modes
- The 2008 Constanta Regional Development Plan currently in force
- The Master Plan for the Port of Constanta and its accompanying Development Strategy on short medium and long term which highlights the most critical aspects regarding the future development of this port, among which are strategizing and organizational planning while also considering environmental issues
Data provided by: Mihaela Staetu (National Company Maritime Ports Administration SA Constanta) – 29.01.2016
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