The first set of National Action Plans (called Roadmaps by then) has been elaborated in line with the ministerial conclusions of 3rd December 2014 by which the Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan was endorsed.
The National Action Plans are considered as living documents, as is underlined by the current circumstances on the waterways in the Danube Region. Whereas the first version was based upon the initiative of the Technical Secretariat for PA1a and the Danube Region Strategy, the follow-up versions are produced within the framework of the CEF-financed FAIRway Danube. Updates are planned twice a year, in May and October.
National Roadmaps, July 2015 (PDF | 5.96 MB)
National Action Plans, October 2015 (PDF | 4.01 MB)
National Action Plans, May 2016 (PDF | 5.3 MB)
National Action Plans, October 2016 (PDF | 4.5 MB)
National Action Plans, May 2017 (PDF | 8.3 MB)
National Action Plans, October 2017 (PDF | 8.6 MB)
National Action Plans, May 2018 (PDF | 11.1 MB)
National Action Plans, October 2018 (PDF | 7.7 MB)
National Action Plans, May 2019 (PDF | 9.2 MB)
National Action Plans, October 2019 (PDF | 6.0 MB)
National Action Plans, May 2020 (PDF | 7.7 MB)
National Action Plans, May 2021 (PDF | 10.7 KB)
Reports on good navigation status/ National Action Plans, May 2023 (PDF | 1.6 KB)
Reports on good navigation status/ National Action Plans, December 2024 (PDF | 3 MB)
On 4th April 2024, the Danube Ministers of Transport have – in the framework of the Connecting Europe Days in Brussels and upon invitation of EU Transport Commissioner Ms Adina Vălean – reaffirmed their commitment to improve framework conditions for Danube navigation, especially related to effective waterway infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance on the Danube and its navigable tributaries.
Today’s Danube ministerial conclusions emphasize the significance of the Rhine-Danube Core Network Corridor and Danube navigation for European Union transportation, particularly the EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes. They highlight the obligation to maintain the “Good Navigation Status” of the Danube and its tributaries within the TEN-T network, while also adhering to relevant environmental laws. This includes achieving ecological and conservation standards set by directives like the Water Framework Directive and Birds and Habitats Directives. Additionally, the Danube Ministers of Transport reaffirmed their commitment to implementing the “Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan of the Danube and its navigable tributaries,” established under the EU Strategy for the Danube Region and initiated by Priority Area 1a on Inland Waterways (coordinated by Austria and Romania).
As there are also still challenges ahead, the Danube Ministers of Transport emphasized in their joint conclusions the need for ongoing rehabilitation and maintenance efforts beyond 2024 to enhance fairway conditions according to established maintenance objectives. They also recognized the importance of sufficient national financial resources, especially ensuring a sustainable yearly operational budget allocation, as crucial for the successful implementation of the Master Plan. By means of the ministerial conclusions, all countries along the Danube River are urged to create interdisciplinary teams within their waterway administrations. These teams shall work together to develop Nature Based Solutions for rehabilitating and maintaining the Danube and its tributaries.
Conclusions on effective waterway infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance, March 2024
Upon invitation of EU Transport Commissioner Ms Adina Vălean, the Danube Ministers of Transport, with the exception of Hungary and Bosnia and Hercegovina, reconfirmed their commitment to implement the Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan by signing the Danube Ministerial Conclusions 2022. The signing procedure was held during the Connecting Europe Days 2022 in Lyon on 29 June 2022. The Ministers endorsed the updated Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan and agreed to step up fairway management efforts in the coming years by allocating the necessary national budgets.
The Danube Ministerial Conclusions also acknowledge the valuable work of the joint Working Group of Priority Areas 1a and 11 of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, which has already resulted in the successful introduction of harmonised border control forms (DAVID forms) at all inland navigation border checkpoints at or outside the Schengen area. Furthermore, the Ministers stressed the need to also pursue the implementation of important flanking measures, such as the development of land-side infrastructure (in particular mooring places) as well as the further greening of the inland fleet in order to reach the ambitious targets of “The European Green Deal”.
Conclusions on effective waterway infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance, June 2022
Upon invitation of EU Transport Commissioner Ms Adina Vălean, the Danube Ministers of Transport, with the exception of Hungary, reconfirmed their commitment to implement the Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan. The Ministers acknowledged the need for further national and transnational actions as well as cross-border coordination procedures and agreed to step up fairway rehabilitation and maintenance efforts in the coming years by allocating the necessary national budgets as outlined in the National Action Plans and making full use of EU co-financing opportunities for the implementation of required measures. This renewed political commitment at the verge of the new financing period post 2020 will be of great value for the preparation of related activities in the coming years.
The present Danube Ministerial Conclusions also particularly acknowledge the valuable work of the joint Working Group of Priority Areas 1a and 11 of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, which has already resulted in a first set of harmonised border control forms (DAVID forms) in the course of 2019. These forms have been successfully introduced in Hungary, the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serbia in February and March 2020 to lessen the administrative burden on waterway users. In their conclusions, the Danube Transport Ministers supported their further roll-out and digitalization along the Danube waterway.
Furthermore, the Ministers stressed the need to also pursue the implementation of important flanking measures, such as the development of land-side infrastructure (in particular mooring places) as well as the further greening of the inland fleet in order to reach the ambitious targets of “The European Green Deal”.
Conclusions on effective waterway infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance, June 2020.
(PDF, signature pages deleted | 1.8 MB)
Press release of DG MOVE:
Upon invitation of EU Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc the Transport Ministers of the Danube riparian states reconfirmed their commitment to implement the Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan for the Danube and its navigable tributaries, as adopted in December 2014, and recommended the application of the harmonised DAVID forms for border controls.
PA1a, in cooperation with the FAIRway Danube project and PA11, delivered the basis for this meeting and the Conclusions by means of the updated National Action Plans and the jointly elaborated DAVID forms.
In their Conclusions, the ministers have once again agreed to step up fairway rehabilitation and maintenance efforts in the years to come in order to improve fairway conditions according to the relevant target values defined in the Fairway Master Plan. The ministers announced to allocate the necessary national budgets as outlined in the National Action Plans and to make full use of EU co-financing opportunities for the implementation of required measures.
Furthermore, the ministers welcomed the first set of harmonised border control forms (arrival and departure reports, crew lists as well as passenger list) – the results of the joint Working Group of EUSDR PA1a and PA11 – and recommended their further application in the Danube region.
PA1a and the FAIRway Danube project will continue to monitor the implementation of the Danube Fairway Master Plan. Contributions to the annual or biennial follow- up meetings of the Transport Ministers will be prepared.
Conclusions on effective waterway infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance, December 2018.
(PDF, signature pages deleted | 304 KB)
During the TEN-T days in Rotterdam, the Transport Ministers of the Danube riparian states discussed the process of implementing the Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan for the Danube and its navigable tributaries. PA1a, in cooperation with the FAIRway Danube project, delivered the basis for this discussion by means of the updated National Action Plans.
In their Conclusions, the ministers have agreed to step up fairway rehabilitation and maintenance efforts in 2016 and beyond in order to improve fairway conditions according to the relevant target values defined in the Fairway Master Plan. The ministers announced to allocate the necessary national budgets as outlined in the National Action Plans and to make full use of EU co-financing opportunities for the implementation of required measures.
PA1a and the FAIRway Danube project will continue to monitor the implementation of the Danube Fairway Master Plan. Contributions to the annual or biennial follow- up meetings of the Transport Ministers will be prepared.
Conclusions on effective waterway infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance, June 2016. (PDF | 209 KB)
The Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan for the Danube and its navigable tributaries highlights all critical locations and the required short-term measures to ensure proper fairway maintenance. The data contained in the Master Plan had been provided by the national waterway administrations in the course of the year 2014.
The Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan was endorsed by the Danube Ministers of Transport on 3rd December 2014. The Ministers of Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina signed the Conclusions on effective waterway infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance on the Danube and its navigable tributaries. Serbia indicated it will join its signature to the conclusions at a later stage. Hungary did not yet sign the Conclusions but expressed a message of support and left open the perspective of joining the conclusions later.
Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan for the Danube and its navigable tributaries – Version 2022 (PDF | 3 MB)
Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan for the Danube and its navigable tributaries – Version 2014 (PDF | 2.93 MB)
Conclusions on effective waterway infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance (PDF | 142 KB)
In order to further pursue the realisation of the Luxemburg Declaration, which requests the implementation of effective waterway maintenance in the Danube region, PA1a transmitted an “Appeal of the Steering Group of Priority Area 1A of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) concerning the implementation of the Luxemburg Declaration” to the transport ministers of the Danube region and the European Commission in February 2014. In the appeal, the Steering Group recalls to the partner governments to take the necessary measures for the implementation of the Luxemburg Declaration on a national level. Furthermore, PA1a offers support for the preparation of a first ministerial meeting on the follow-up of the implementation of the Luxemburg Declaration, which should be scheduled in 2014.
In the accompanying side letter addressed to the ministers, the elaboration of a draft Fairway Maintenance Master Plan, as decided during the 5th Meeting of the Steering Group for Priority Area 1a of the EUSDR in Linz, Austria, on 17 – 18 April 2013, is announced.
Appeal of the Steering Group concerning the implementation of the Luxembourg Declaration (PDF | 102 KB)
The IDV project confirms that, under good waterway conditions, transportation carried out with Danube vessels can reach excellent cost and energy efficiency. Innovative devices and optimised ship designs would further improve this situation.
As far as new constructions are concerned, the IDV project identifies three most promising options leading to energy and cost savings and reduced environmental impact: two new types of Danube pushers as well as an innovative version of a self-propelled vessel. Quick wins can be realised by installing real-time voyage speed optimisation tools on existing Danube vessels.
Additionally, results demonstrated that energy and cost efficiency of Danube vessels is largely dependent on waterway conditions, especially on the available water depth. Proper fairway maintenance on the Danube therefore is an important prerequisite for energy and cost-efficient inland waterway transport operations. This applies to both existing and innovative vessel types.
Main project results (PDF | 3.18 MB)
Executive summary (PDF | 713 KB)
In order to underline the importance of creating or completing the legal framework for international RIS data exchange for logistic purposes, an Appeal of the Steering Group of Priority Area 1a of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region concerning the data exchange in River Information Services was adopted by the Danube states at the fifth meeting of the Steering Group on 17-18 April 2013 in Linz (Austria).
The appeal, which is directed towards the Danube states themselves as well as the European Commission, should be understood as a recommendation to speed up the processes for creating or completing the legal framework for international RIS data exchange for logistic purposes.
Appeal of the Steering Group of PA 1a of the EUSDR concerning RIS data exchange (PDF | 179 KB)
On the 11th of October 2012, the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria signed a Memorandum of Understanding on setting up an Interministerial Committee for sustainable development of inland waterway transport on the Romanian-Bulgarian common sector of the Danube.
Among the tasks of the Interministerial Committee are:
Memorandum of Understanding on setting up an Interministerial Committee for sustainable development of inland waterway transport (PDF | 3.9 MB)
On the joint initiative of EU Commissioners Johannes Hahn (Directorate-General for Regional Policy) and Siim Kallas (Directorate-General for Transport), the transport ministers of the riparian states of the Danube and its navigable tributaries met on 7 June 2012 in Luxembourg and agreed on a declaration which reasserts existing obligations to maintain the fairway to a good standard and undertakes measures to tackle problems like low water or ice.
The declaration was signed by 7 out of 11 riparian states in June 2012 (10 Danube riparian states plus Bosnia and Herzegovina which borders on the Sava river). In addition, Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as Serbia have endorsed the declaration (Status of January 2013). No approval of the declaration has yet been received from Hungary and Ukraine.
Declaration on effective waterway infrastructure maintenance on the Danube and its navigable tributaries
(PDF, signature pages deleted | 333 KB)
Press release by the European Commission’s DG REGIO (PDF | 63 KB)
Endorsement by Bosnia and Herzegovina (June 2012) (PDF | 114 KB)
Endorsement by Serbia (January 2013) (PDF | 16 KB)