Transnational project (SK) The project will give an overall picture of the plastic waste transport in the Danube by combining information on waste generation, waste treatment, littering and waste held back by hydropower plants into a comprehensive material flow analysis. Once the data has been collected, measures to reduce this problem will be developed and implemented.
ATTRACTIVE EMPLOYMENT – Attractive Employment in Danube Navigation – A roadmap to a sustainable and prospering Danube navigation system offering attractive jobs and working conditions for its employees
Proposal for a transnational project (Lead: AT) The project intended to investigate the current socio-economic situation and the framework conditions of the business as well as of the employed people in the Danube navigation sector. It intended to provide a sound analysis as well as substantial recommendations for a forward strategy and a roadmap for gradual improvements in the framework of European transport, labour and social policy
Investments in education and training
Proposal for a national project (UA) The project intended to meet the labour market demands for experts with different levels of training and qualification for waterway transport enterprises via essential renewal of modern experts training in the Danube region.
Green Chain – Green Engineering for Challenges in Inland Navigation: The Danube Perspective
Proposal for a transnational project (NL, BE, AT, RS, RO, BG) The intended activities of this project included the introduction of a shallow-draught vessel, the elaboration of concepts for sustainable waterway development and growth of waterborne transport as well as policy support to enable the introduction of these solutions.
HINT – Harmonized Inland Navigation Transport through Education and Information Technology
Transnational project (AT, SK, HU, HR, RS, RO, BG, UA) HINT was a follow-up activity of the NELI project and had the ultimate goal to establish a unique harmonized theoretical and practical training system in inland navigation in the Danube region.
Danube SKILLS – Increased institutional capacity in Danube navigation by boosting joint transnational competences and skills in education and public development services (EUSDR Strategic Project)
Transnational project (DE, AT, CZ, SK, HU, HR, RS, RO, BG) The project was implemented to foster joint transnational skills and competences in the areas of nautical education and public transport development services for Danube navigation logistics ("Danube Logistics Promotion Centres").
IRIS Europe II – Implementation of River Information Services in Europe (project example in EUSDR Action Plan)
Transnational project (FR, BE, NL, CZ, AT, SK, HU, BG, RO) The main objective of the project was the enhancement and pilot implementation of RIS for governmental and logistics users, based on the experiences gained during the IRIS Europe I project.
IRIS Europe 3 – Implementation of River Information Services in Europe
Transnational Project (PL, CZ, AT, HU, SK, BG, RO) IRIS Europe 3 ensured the continuation of RIS implementation in Europe and provided the necessary cooperative implementation framework for setting up pilot implementations for Quality of Information Services for RIS, nationally and internationally. All Danube countries were involved either as fully financed or as cooperation partners within IRIS Europe 3.