National project (HU) The preparation of the Master Plan, Feasibility study and 20 case studies for the overall ports development along the Hungarian section of the Danube will be coordinated with the “Master Plan and feasibility study for the Komárno port” (PA1A141) elaborated by Public Ports jsc. of Slovakia. The outcome of the studies will lay the ground for future port development by setting strategic directions and development priorities after 2020.
Core Network Port Regensburg – Improving Accessibility
National project (DE) The project aims at improving the accessibility of the port and to strengthen the multimodal TEN-T Core Network. Activities focus on the works for the construction and the electrification of new railway tracks in the port area, and the improvement of some level crossing points.
Integrated Port Information System in Hungary
national project (HU) The project's objective is to develop an integrated inland port ICT application to streamline administrative formalities through better use of information, communication and positioning technologies.
RIS enabled Hungarian Inland Navigation Information System (HIR)
National project (HU) The project aims to entirely replace the Hungarian Inland Navigation Information System (HIR) so that it can communicate with RIS components and services.
GRENDEL – Green and efficient Danube fleet
Transnational project (DE, AT, HU, BG, RO) The overall objective of the project is to support Danube fleet operators as well as public bodies (like ministries & relevant authorities) which are relevant for regulatory and policy actions in their efforts to set up a comprehensive strategy and concrete actions for launching a targeted long-term Danube fleet modernisation process on a transnationally harmonised basis.
DaReM – Danube Rehabilitation Measures
National project (SK) The Action aims to implement the Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan for the Danube and its tributaries by modernising the dredging equipment and fleet of the Slovak Water-management Enterprise (SVP) as well as the Water construction state enterprise (VV) and by removing bottlenecks on the Slovak Danube stretch.
DWF Danube – Black Sea – Construction of the Deep-Water Fairway Danube – Black Sea in the Ukrainian Part of the Danube Delta
National project (UA) The works project aims at the provision of appropriate navigation conditions on the Ukrainian stretch of the Danube waterway within the Danube – Black Sea area through the Kilijske, Starostambulske and Bistre arms of the Danube river.
Update of the National Action Plans October 2017
The regular updates of the National Action Plans monitor the implementation status of the Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan which was endorsed by a large majority of the Danube Transport Ministers in
PA1a project database relaunched at the 6th EUSDR Annual Forum
The 6th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region took place on 18-19 October 2017 in Budapest. Under the title ‘A secure, connected and prospering Danube Region’,
Master Plan and feasibility study for the Komárno port
National project (SK) The project entails preparing a master plan and a feasibility study for the future expansion and modernization of the port of Komárno. Both will serve as a decision-making tool for the selection of the best options for future expansion and modernization. The preparation of the Master Plan and the Feasibility study for the development of the Port of Komárno will be coordinated with the “Master Plan and feasibility study for the development of the TEN-T ports, including Komarom Port” along the Hungarian section of the Danube (PA1A142).